Wednesday, April 29, 2009


No Bedtime.
No Curfew.
No T.V. Restrictions.
No Rules.
I was always right,
they always got in trouble,
I had more presents,
and all the attention...

I'm the spoiled brat?
Yeah? I'd trade it for the

To not be alone.
To not be the one that saw tradition
To not have to see all my brother's lives
move on while I'm still stuck

You got it all wrong.
They are the one's that have had it all,
not me.


  1. this poem makes me so sad. :( Even though I'm not the youngest I definitely know what you sister suddenly completely has her own life and I miss her being a part of ours. you make such good points here and your language is powerful, I love "to not be the one that saw tradition die." so good!

  2. I started reading the poem and I thought it was going to turn out completely different than it did. I like it. I like that it surprised me. There is a lot of truth in it. Great job.

  3. OUR LIVES ARE THE SAME! oh my god. i completely understand. i hate that. i hate being alone now and missing like kid time when my brothers and i used to hang out and play games or whatever. and i hate that they call me the spoiled brat.i'd rather them be closer to my age. oh mannnn, that's nuts. i like this poem.. not just because i can relate to it, but i really like the structure

  4. Like Ashley, I like how the poem twists unexpectedly. As the oldest, I hadn't thought about what it is like to be left behind. You capture that well in a concise way.
