Monday, April 13, 2009

Who Are You?

Who are you, and why are you on my mind?

Why are you still here, why can’t I forget you?

Something happened, with you I feel entwined.

You have touched my heart, and my soul, too.

My life has changed; I can now see God’s grace.

I don’t know where I would be without you.

But who are you, who in this human race?

Why can’t I know who you are once again?

Must I search so hard to find your embrace?

I must search, but will I find you, and when?

Without you I am useless, incomplete.

I find myself lost, time and time again.

But how can I search for one so sweet,

When I don’t even know you anymore.

Something has changed, and I cannot compete.

I have lost my sight of you in this war,

My focus wavered under the assault,

But you, I shouldn’t have thought to ignore.

I feel as though it was through my own fault,

So now I can only regret my choice,

And hope to bring my problems to a halt.

For when I can once again hear your voice,

And I can find who you have now become,

I’ll be able to finally rejoice.

When I find you, I’ll no longer be numb.

Once again I will be able to feel,

With you again, despair I’ll be free from.

For me, the encounter will be unreal,

And all will spring from knowing who you are.

So once again, to you I shall appeal.

Who are you?

Where are you?


  1. Your poetry makes me like rhyme. I like how you take a tight rhyme form and offer a very wide expanse of ideas. Thanks.

  2. Chris- I love the content of the poem as well as the rhyme in it. From a poetry stand point, the stanzas and the form and the rhyming, everything is well done. As far as what the poem is about, I can definitley identify. It really makes you think, I like that.
