Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you think?

nothing help F
decay never! R
N guilt! what O
O please wrong M
dead! no
O forgive lost A
N hope iinnocent N
E fear now Y
why? T
god H
mercy? G



  1. Wow Frank. I love to read your poetry. It's different from what the rest of us would write, and in its difference it is awesome. This poem is powerful, and it definitely speaks to the way life goes sometimes.

  2. This really stood out to me because it was different! It was really cool.

  3. In a strangely good way, this reminded me of e.e. cummings and his play with space on the page. Because I am spatially challenged, I had to read it a couple of times to get the vertical message. I agree with Chris; it is always a new adventure to read your poems. I like that you are trying to carve your own voice and space. It DOES stand out.

  4. I agree - I have tons of respect for your creativity, your unique ideas, and your ability to not get stuck in what is generally accepted. I think challenging the "norm" is what we all do in some way in our poetry.. challenging who we're expected to be and what is expected from us.. but I love that you go beyond what is familiar and find new, experimental ways to do it every time.. it is inspirational!

  5. I agree with Leigha. I saw your creativity, unique ideas, and the challenging the "norm" abilities in your multi-genre project. I think this poem reflects a lot of who you are and how talented you are. It would be a shame if you didn't publish something that the world could see, like the things we are able to see and hear in our English class.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. your poetry is different and creative, and always has your voice in it. You are able to capture whatever you want to get across.
