Thursday, April 30, 2009


Where memories are made,
is often not where they end,
Like the roots of a tree,
the branches transcend

Where pain has begun,
Is only a silver lined cloud,
Which looms in your mind,
'till the pain has been cowed

Where growth takes its stand,
In the soil of affliction,
Is a field of good fortune,
Where prosperity's an addiction

And to those who suffer,
By the hand of distress,
Fear not and have hope,
For you always progress


  1. I really liked this poem because it is clear and has meaning.

  2. I like the way you used concrete diction in a metaphorical manner, and I thought the ending was powerful, in a hopeful way.

  3. Very well done. Word choice was excellent. Zenith's proud for sure.

  4. this is so good timmmyy.. your word choice is very sophisticated and your message is deep and meaningful. nice job!

  5. I like this and could see it as a spoken word piece too.
