Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Day in July

I remember your face so clearly;
distressed, fighting back vulnerability
on the outside
but falling apart on the inside.
You came in first, she was behind you,
but she did not try to hide the pain on her face.
The tears were already forming salty rivers
down her cheeks as
she tried to control her uneven breaths,
but her unsteady hands gave her away.
You spoke first
as we sat dumbstruck,
confused. Even when you told us we
should have known,
should have seen it coming,
we didn't know,
didn't see anything.
You finally allowed the tears to fall
and so did we.
My silence scared you
but I wouldn't speak;
my opinion didn't matter at that point.
I was too young to understand,
too innocent to realize that love could die
and people change
but it wasn't our fault.
What could we have done differently?
was on repeat in my brain,
only adding frustration when I could not
find an answer.
I don't remember how you left us on that
day in July, or if we left first;
or what you said to comfort us
because nothing could.
I do know that was the only day
I ever cried about it;
after that I fought back vulnerability
just like you.


  1. Mariah this was amazing, I think this is really bold of you to write, all the imagery and the detail...I dunno this was awesome.

  2. I like the part where you can't remember. Somehow, that struck me as the most poignant moment. I am proud of you for taking the leap into poetry and posting this work. Thanks.

  3. When I read this I could just picture it all, it must've been a hard situation to write about. I like the last lines b/c they struck me and concluded the piece well. i dont mean to sound cliche, but this was so heartfelt and amazing. :)
